We are located at 2921 S Meridian Rd, Meridian, ID          


208-297-7847          Symptom Checker

Frequently Asked Questions

Here, you’ll find answers to common questions that parents often have about their child’s health, wellness, and medical care at our pediatric office.

Office Frequently Asked Questions

Are you accepting new patients?

YES! We love new patients and expectant parents, please go to our new patient page for more details.

Do you have requirements to be a patient at Treasure Valley Children’s Clinic?

Our goal is to build a partnership with our patients in their care. In order to do so we simply ask that you abide by three simple rules:

  1. Be courteous and respectful to each other and our staff. We have a zero-tolerance policy for misbehavior and abuse.
  2. Be on time and ready for your appointment. We understand that
    emergencies arise (both on your part as well as ours). Please cancel any appointment you cannot make at least 24 hours in advance.
  3. Be vaccinated. We follow the AAP Bright Futures and ACME vaccination schedule. We strive to help educate and overcome any vaccine hesitancy.
Do you have any informal way to meet a provider (i.e. expectant family visits, new patient visits, etc.)?

Yes, we are happy to virtually meet you and your family prior to establishing care. Please see the information under new patients for more details.

Do you take my insurance?

We take all major insurers including Medicaid, please see our financial and insurer policy for a full list.

How best should I communicate with your office?

By texting us (through the Spruce Health app) we can direct you appropriately to answer your questions, schedule a same-day/next-day appointment or refill a prescription.

How best can I pay my bill?

All new patients have the option to enroll in autopay, for those that have declined payments can be made via credit card at the time of the appointment or via the patient portal.

What is autopay?

Autopay is our easy, convenient, and secure system for making co-payments and deductibles. Your credit card information is securely kept within our payment vendor’s system using the most up-to-date encrypted software. We will notify you prior to any authorizations over $200 and always send a confirmation of any payments via the patient portal.

Who do I contact with billing questions?

You can get help with any billing questions by calling 208-297-7847.

Medical Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a vaccine policy?

Yes, We believe that vaccinating against preventable diseases is the single most important thing we as pediatricians can do to help protect our children and our communities. We follow the vaccine schedule as endorsed by the AAP bright futures and CDC (link). We desire to partner with caregivers in making this important decision and easing any apprehension. If you are unwilling to vaccinate your child we may not be the best fit for your family. COVID and yearly influenza vaccines are highly recommended for children 6 months or older, but ultimately optional. Please see our full vaccine policy.

What do I do after hours if my child is sick?

We are here to care for you. We hate having our patients wait in urgent care! Text us and you will be directed to a symptom checker to determine if the concern can be addressed the next clinic day (as well as advice on care in the meantime), be directed to an appropriate urgent care, or in the rare care of an emergency (difficulty breathing, fracture, etc) being directed to the nearest emergency room.

What is a medical home?
Treasure Valley Children’s Clinic prides itself on being a medical home for children. A medical home is a philosophy of care supported by national organizations proven to improve care and outcome in pediatrics. At the root of the medical home is that your child receives care from someone that you know and trust.
How do I get a referral to a specialist?

Providers at Treasure Valley Children’s have undertaken additional training to support many of the needs of our patients including mental and behavioral health, autism, and dermatologic care. When needed we will refer to specific providers, clinics, or therapies that we know will provide the best care for you. As a medical home, our goal is to coordinate care when needed with our medical neighborhood of proven and effective specialists.

What is your view of complementary and/or alternative medicine?

First and foremost, any care that we provide and recommend is safe and evidence-based. Unfortunately, many complementary medical interventions are not robustly studied for safety and efficacy. When families seek these alternatives we will work with families to evaluate the risks and benefits of the proposed intervention with a joint decision made between family and practitioner. We do not routinely recommend chiropractic care for children or other interventions that have unneeded risks or unproven benefits.

Baby with newborn icon

New Patients

Discover the perfect fit for your family’s medical care needs by exploring our pediatric practice philosophies and finding a shared respect for exceptional care.

Doctors icons

Patient Portal

Stay connected with your child’s healthcare and manage their medical records conveniently with our secure and user-friendly patient portal.

Partner with Treasure Valley Children’s Clinic

We know that caring for children can be difficult; getting the care your child deserves doesn’t have to be. Partner with a clinic that wants the best for your child–just like you!