We are located at 2921 S Meridian Rd, Meridian, ID          


208-297-7847          Symptom Checker

New Patients

Personalized care

From Newborns to Young Adults, We Welcome Your Family

When searching for a pediatrician it is crucial to give serious consideration to the fit between the practice philosophies and your own. Whether you are new to the area, changing offices, or are a growing family learn more about us below.

Exceptional care happens when the physicians and office staff are aligned with your family’s priorities and philosophies regarding medical care. Only then can shared decision-making be based on mutual respect.

Baby wrapped in blanket on bed with mother
Baby at pediatrician with stethoscope on heart

key things to consider

How to Choose a Pediatrician

Choosing a pediatrician for your child involves considering several factors, such as their qualifications, experience, and approach to care. It’s important to look for a pediatrician who is board-certified and has experience caring for children in your child’s age range. You should also consider their communication style and whether they take the time to listen to your concerns. Other important criteria can include the location of the pediatrician’s office, their office hours, and insurance acceptance are also important factors to consider.

our practice philosophy

Are We a Good Fit?

Please read the following checklist carefully to be sure Treasure Valley Children’s Clinic is the appropriate medical home for your children. We look forward to meeting you and forming a mutually rewarding relationship.

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Our vaccine policy follows the schedule outlined by the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics. We strongly encourage using this schedule due to strong evidence of both safety and efficacy. For those wishing an alternative schedule, we will work together on a case-by-case basis. For those choosing not to vaccinate then we are unlikely a good fit. We encourage, but do not require both flu and COVID vaccinations.

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We work hard to not overuse antibiotics. We educate families on the appropriate use of antibiotics and follow evidence-based guidelines. We don’t automatically treat ear pain or a green snotty nose with antibiotics. We do not call in antibiotics over the phone as we do not believe that is good medicine. When we believe antibiotics are appropriate treatment, we will be happy to answer your questions. Together we can create a healthier community.

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Medical Home

We work hard to provide comprehensive medical care and serve as your medical home. To that end, we expect that you contact our office FIRST before seeking specialty care or heading to Urgent Care. We are happy to direct you to the most appropriate place for care.

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Our practice prides itself on efficiency through use of technology. You will be expected to register and use our patient portal and patient communication platform Spruce Health. We use automated reminders and patient engagement enabled via technology. Let’s stay connected!

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Office Hours

We make every effort to meet the needs of our patients, but we are a small practice and don’t see well visits on the weekend, nor have walk-in hours. Please familiarize yourself with our office hours to see if they work for your family & know our providers are always available after hours. As we grow we expect to offer expanded hours.

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After Hours

We have a provider on call 24/7/365. Call or text our main number to be connected directly. Unless it is a true medical emergency (in which case you should call 911), we encourage you to call the on-call physician to discuss recommendations prior to heading to the Emergency Department or Urgent Care. Weekend phone coverage is shared with other pediatric practices in the area.

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Specialist Care

As your medical home, we expect that you will contact our office to discuss care plans before scheduling an appointment with a specialist. We want to be involved in either providing care in our office where appropriate or referring you to the most appropriate specialist and helping coordinate your care. We are partnered with St Luke’s Children’s Hospital and will have direct access to notes from specialists within EPIC. For other specialists, we ask that a copy of the notes be sent to our office.

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We aim to take all major insurances including Medicaid. A comprehensive list of accepted insurance can be found on our financial and insurer policy. Please contact us if you are unsure or have questions.

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Billing and Fees

It is up to you to understand how your insurance works including deductibles and co-insurance and to provide up-to-date insurance information at every visit. We highly encourage you to sign up for our convenient autopay feature.

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We do not have walk-in hours. Please text our office to make an appointment and inform the staff of all of your concerns so that they can allow the appropriate length of time. For your convenience, well-visit appointments are opened for scheduling 15 months in advance but may be subject to changes based on provider vacations or time away.

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We believe everyone’s time is valuable; therefore our practice makes every effort to run on time. We ask that you make every effort to present to the office at your scheduled appointment time and call us if you are running behind. We reserve the right to ask you to reschedule if you have missed your scheduled appointment time. The family with the appointment after yours extends their thanks.

Become a New Patient

Partner with Treasure Valley Children’s Clinic and receive expertise and experiences tailored to your family.

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Patient Portal

Stay connected with your child’s healthcare and manage their medical records conveniently with our secure and user-friendly patient portal.

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Here, you’ll find answers to common questions that parents often have about their child’s health, wellness, and medical care at our pediatric office.

Partner with Treasure Valley Children’s Clinic

We know that caring for children can be difficult; getting the care your child deserves doesn’t have to be. Partner with a clinic that wants the best for your child–just like you!